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Old 09-30-10, 12:20 AM   #9
Pushin it....
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Posts: 7,966
From: Round tha way

Originally Posted by _Talksic_
lol at you ducking the debate,where u were getting owned, i was hard headed at first late 2006 when i first woke up and actually DID the research,its not an overnight does come with lots of denile at first..
and the quote's funny but he obviously took the quote clearly out of context smart guy, the context that frank lucas said it in was, basically dont be a loud mouth with small man syndrome popping off your mouth for no reason..clearly thats not the finish the debate..

are you fucking stupid? there is no debate.

your an idiot and a hyprocite.

you keep talking like there's an actual discussion here, there never was one.

Your basic princples for a party are all consiparicy theories that are looses tied togeather, you glenn beck watchin lame ass.

grow a dick, and be a real man...stop following a PARTY. and follow what you can prove with hard facts, that you can see with your own two eyes. Not by reading what some one else wrote down.

If i had a website and it stated that the tea party was full of facist racist...and you stumbled across it, would you find me credible? no. why is that? because its a website.

that same principle applies to EVERYTHING your basing your ideals on.

i'm done talking to you about this. your prob in the same group of idiots who stand outside with signs that say 'If your a christian, you can't be pro-abortion'
Originally Posted by Lysol
But Eminem is the best.

Destroyin Tricks on the Daily

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