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Old 09-30-10, 05:49 PM   #1
_Talksic_'s Avatar
Posts: 2,414

Originally Posted by Cola
one more thing, just to show you what im talking about....about how you just start spewing random bullshit out of your mouth that isn't relevant to ANY thing else that your talkin about.

1. What does Coca Cola have to with our goverment. Nothing

2. Back when Coca Cola was invited, their was no law against saying that anything could provde/cure anything else. I.E. thats why coke was advertised as a health cure to make you more spunky. ALLLL COMPANY DID THIS, GO LOOK IT UP. Thats why the GOVERMENT.....LET ME SAY IT AGAIN....THE GOVERMENT....made it do it...becuase it was false adversting, and therfore misleading to the public. OUR GOVERMENT, SAID NO...YOU CAN'T DO that. OUR GOVERMENT, SAID NO, YOU CAN NOT LIE TO THE AMERICAN PUBLIC. and than made a law, which how our country is ran today.

3. Coke using the coca leave, or 'cocaine' is true, back in the early days of when it was invited, it was used to make people feel more awake...which obviously it did. Once cocaine was considered ILLEGAL. they took it out. there was less than a 1/10th of a gram in a bottle of coke. Basically, there was hardly any cocaine in coke at all.

**side note**you do realize that cocaine hasn't even been around all that long. Im pretty sure cocaine was a new medicene that was used in a ton of differnet products. It was used to numb peoples gums, so your going to tell me that all dentist that used cocaine are some how in a conspiracy with the goverment to get us hooked on cocaine 100years later???

4. Now here, i'll tie it up for you can figure out again

Cocaine wasn't illegal, Coke used cocaine in its product (extremly small amounts), Cocaine became illegal, Coke took cocaine out of its product, the goverment made laws to not allow medicense and adverstiers to falsely adverstise prodcuts to consumers....

wow....looks like my goverment did a good job at realizing a problem, than correcting it.

thanks. now fuck off and read a book, dumb ass

so cocaine in soda is ok? (no obviously its not we both agree) but if the government says it, its ok? the government says helping the afghans cultivate opium is ok? that makes it ok, sence the government says it? cuz they say lots of things, believe me..
and your fucking side note is retarded.

"the loudest one in the room is the weakest"- frank lucas..
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