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Old 09-30-10, 06:13 PM   #50
Pushin it....
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Posts: 7,967
From: Round tha way

Originally Posted by _Talksic_
first of all how am i a hypocrite?
so my principles for a party which were freedom, liberty, peace, rights, justice, decency, thats a conspiracy? lol
and honeslty the problem with following anything now days, is your given a label,so your then categorized, no matter what your doing. as an independent you cant be labeled but as a constitutionalist you can be.
"if i had a website and it stated that the tea party was full of facist racist"
that argument makes you a hypocrite cuz our last debate over i cant even remember but you dropped a freakin some catholic website,"that somebody wrote down" oh yeah "i can drop facts all day about greece's economy" so sir that would make u a hypocrite but im not here to make fun of you im just trying to teach.
and "id rather follow nothing, than something i cant trust"
so if nothing is real and nothings fact and the internets information is a lie,
whats credible? if "somebody just wrote it down"
study truth according to the bible, and just come to jesus..

you blamed the fall of greece on a theory of all the nations becoming one huge nation...which is the pre-lude to the revelations.

your basis for that discussion was basically null and void becuase you had no, NONE, nothing to prove that your shit was correct. I just showed you a website that said something that i belivied in.

your distorting the shit out of what i said

and "id rather follow nothing, than something i cant trust"
so if nothing is real and nothings fact and the internets information is a lie,

I'd rather follow nothing, than something that i can't trust....

break that down again....i'd rather follow my self, and my own ideas, than a political agenda, mass media, or other people...if i can't trust them

it has nothing to do with weather or not the internet is full of lies. Thats for my own interperation, which allows me to judge and make judments based on the information that is presented. If i feel that something is true, than yes, i will reserach a little more...and see if more information supports it. But im not just goign to go gung ho like half of you idiots and listen to whatever sounds like a really cool idea.

Whats funny is that I can see how much of a Ron Paul guy you are. Like you prove it in every post, that you really dont know what the fuck your talkin about. Your just assuming and guessing about shit that COULD happen. Yeah faggot, shit does happen, but it doesn't mean that the goverment is out to kill you and your family and the whole word has eyes that your life is nothing more than a mere glipse on a machine in washinton dc.

You ever think that you'd actually enjoy life alot more if you didn't think about retard shit that you never can change or prove?

Just cuz you see the picture, doesn't mean you understand the picture.

Originally Posted by Lysol
But Eminem is the best.

Destroyin Tricks on the Daily

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