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Old 12-01-10, 05:23 AM   #11
_Talksic_'s Avatar
Posts: 2,414

shit, well hopefully your sister feels the same way, so i can see pictures of her that get leaked on the internet after she goes through the scanner.
what the fuck is the cause for them to illegally search americans that have done nothing wrong? therefore if a judge hasnt issued a warrant for search of a person then it is unconstitutional..........and ah, if tax payers pay for the air ports which they do, then its a further violation of the 4th amendment for them to illegally search you.
and why are they searching us anyway? were terrorists now?
and so you wouldnt care if some pedophile that they can hire, is feeling up your wife, daughter or son?
or having naked pictures of them? and in the link i posted above a dude was caught masturbating as high school volleyball players were going through the scanner.
and for the record they are planning on putting them in subway stations, train stations, and malls, movie theatres ect..
and id rather face death then loss of civil liberty's, especially humiliation, and de humanization. and especially for my wife and daughters or sons.
the world is laughing at us right now.
and israel the most hated country in the world doesnt even do this to their own.

"the loudest one in the room is the weakest"- frank lucas..
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