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Old 12-05-10, 04:58 AM   #5
_Talksic_'s Avatar
Posts: 2,414

no dis respect big pic but paranoid about what? theres a saying that goes something like telling the truth when surrounded by total corruption is a revolutionary act..
and again no dis respect, but being a paranoid conspiracy theorist is what the establishment wants, so they can label people, and dis credit the people speaking truth..
and as a fellow brethren in christ i would like to help, but what are you afraid of?
dont let death scare you? being martyred for christ would be an honor to die for..
and id love to be the first example, you have to be the change you want to see..
dont let fear blind you.. and the enemy as you would call them and yes they are, the buildebergs, you honestly dont think that they arent shitting their pants right now cause they are exposed. and just because they may own google or whatever search engine you use, doesnt mean you cant expose truth through their networks and others.. (granted in my case every comment i try to post especially on yahoo but other mainstream news outlets, msnbc, cnn, cbs, they all censor or wont let my post be shown) i mean they will but if you dis agree with what they say or try to bring up fact they wont let you post a comment, but there are many other ways to expose whats going on, besides internet..
and as for teremoto/one man band.. theres no conspiracy there, dude was at the end of his rope (no pun intended)..but dont get me wrong to think everything through and analyzing things is a good thing but in this case, dude unfortunately took his life..and it really sucks cause he was brilliant,(in the worlds teachings)..he would be the ideal person to debate about anything. its honestly sad that hes gone. i pray hes resting in peace...
and as for baphomet/nos. i doubt hes a mason or anything of that nature, hes just a little rebellious and really hes a cool dude.
and el rey, you do speak the truth you cant serve two masters, and some, well not some, most dont realize they serve the devil, they may not light a hundred candles while drinking blood or whatever the F they do, but your right..
and to add to what you said jesus also said if your not with me your against me..and i swear to god if people could just understand the spirituality and the complexity behind the truth of that statement, it would turn the world upside down and people would flourish to christ. its one of the most complex things to understand yet explain. but honestly im just thankful for the spiritual discernment.

"the loudest one in the room is the weakest"- frank lucas..
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