Thread: All About Him
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Old 12-05-10, 12:44 PM   #1
10:23 till i'm 86
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From: Michigan

Originally Posted by Lysol
Those kids do not know the love of God and are uneducated in God's word/ the bible. We go to church to worship God together and acknowledge our creator to reflex and grow closer, the sabbath was made for man and not man for the sabbath. It is written you will not do your will on this day, you are to rest and communion with God. (that day is on Saturday not Sunday)

You don't go to church to "live it up" like the world, if so then you are from the world. Church is not an entertainment industry, kids are bored because the devil fills there hearts with excitement constantly with the internet, movies, food, TV, shows, games, drugs etc. The list goes on. It's a constant adrenaline rush and when they sit down to actually learn, guess what happens? They cannot, because they become "bored". Not only with church or Godly things, school as well, they cannot even focus in class and grades drop. The devil is distracting the youth from knowing and learning making them ignorant.

They are so distort that the thought of heaven is "bored' to them, wow that is the sad part. They are so attached to the things of this world, that they are concerned that they wont have fun in heaven! Not only worldly kids, but kids of faith feel this way too. Surly the end is at hand. I challenge and advise the youth to separate yourselves from the world, unclog your brain with the filth it has to offer, you will see things different, but be sincere with God when you seek him in prayer.

but they start distracting them at, i essemble, at conception. but even a little more along, disney and all types of enternainment for kids is terrifyingly creepy, or in my case, can be looked into from a paranoid stand point and have me feel like the devil is talking through mickey mouse literally and figuratively. this is a very crazy deceiving world, and i'm just tryin to stay away from the things that will keep me down in the worldly dumps the devil wants ppl to stay in. i'm tryin to up my descerning spirit, but that makes me more aware that everything is evil and i dont think you can even take any evil as a grain of salt. "you're either with me or against me" "be in this world, but not of this world" both much easier said than done.

Big Pic- Whore of the World ( youtube video)

Jesus saves, even from paranoia
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