Thread: Pantomime
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Old 12-28-10, 05:26 AM   #8
_Talksic_'s Avatar
Posts: 2,414

of all things your humble, i accept and respect that.. now back on subject,
proof, im gonna break this one down, if you are serious and i mean serious about god and believe in jesus christ, he will communicate to you in ways you wouldnt imagine..
one random example the one that happens the most to me
(you always hear the saying god works in mysterious ways)
is ill read a chapter of the bible usually one chapter a day, ill soak it in have a thought of the day you can say, of the scripture that stuck out most to me, usually the next time i turn on the god channel, theyre talking and going over the scripture that i was reading, its happened countless times...
second example i will be listening to secular or religious music while in debates on this site as well as others, and ill be looking for a word to express what im trying to say and the rapper will say the word leading up to as im typing it,its happened twice while typing this one...those are the two that happen the most..i wont get into the others cause of my personal life..
but if you seek a relationship with him, and are serious about it he will communicate, but everyones different and he communicates in different ways to different people, just look for it, im not claiming im articulate or smart, but my spiritual discernment is literally off the charts, and again im not claiming to be smart but to me almost everything is common sense...honestly we may not get along on here but i emplore you to believe and search for results,(and god knows your heart and your true intentions,so dont confuse yourself or try and trick him cause it wont work) but first you must understand how lucifer tryed to temp jesus by saying,
"jump off of this cliff and angels will catch and save you and then jesus told him Then the devil took him to the holy city and had him stand on the highest point of the temple. {6} "If you are the Son of God," he said, "throw yourself down. For it is written: "'He will command his angels concerning you, and they will lift you up in their hands, so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.'" {7} Jesus answered him, "It is also written: 'Do not put the Lord your God to the test.'"
so that being adapted to this conversation, dont do it just to prove that god exists, or put him to the test, thats where faith comes in, the definition of faith is....i wont post the whole definition, look it up if you want, but the basic breakdown says, believing in something that you cant see..
and as for MY faith, i believe in god without a doubt i have sense i was like 8 as far as i can remember, but am i a perfect christain, f no, and i have more personal reasons for that as explained in previous threads, i want to get married vs the rapture...does that give me the right to get drunk,party, and do what i do, no, but marriage to me is worth any persecution..thats just me, a simple nobody that understands the bible, the only part i dont understand is, and i hate to paraphrase but couldnt find it, the bible says it a couple times " god has prepared a place for us better then any man can imagine"
thats what i personally deal with, and there is the understanding of MY faith and something i struggle with on a daily theres my faith.

"the loudest one in the room is the weakest"- frank lucas..
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