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Old 02-08-11, 09:42 PM   #12
Posts: 13,383
From: Canada

Sorry, I come off wrong with the "not going anywhere after you die" it was sort of just typed for lack of better words. It was more intended to mean that after death were not going to be arriving at Heaven or Hell, rather someplace else.

I don't believe that this life is our only life, I have no idea what happens next, but I don't think it all ends. Our bodies will end and they will be buried or turned to ash, but our souls have a far greater journey ahead of them than this life.

People turn to religion in times of doubt and weakness. That's why recovering addicts, people in prison and others in low places always seem to "find" God at these times. It's really easy to imagine and make believe in something when you have nothing at all. I mean, if I woke up tomorrow and found myself on the street with no family and no friends, no money, who else would I turn to? Well, honestly, I'd just get my shit together and try to get back on my feet, but most people are weak minded and search for a different means of help.

Also let me clarify that when I say "God" I'm not only referring to the Christian's interpretation, Jesus or anybody else's imagination, but rather all of them.

A bit off topic, but still on the same page. I was actually impressed when I was watching an interview with members both for and against the construction of the Mosque at ground zero (where the twin towers once stood) when one of the Muslim's rebutted to a an argument and said, "This is a place for members of every religion to come and worship God. There will be divided sections for each religion to come in and mourn, pray, and worship their God. We're all praying to the same God anyway, we just believe in a different way to reach him." A very intelligent and respectful way to look at the situation and of course the Christian replied, "America was founded on Christianity so it should get the top floor being that it's closer to God." While the other Christians in the argument agreed, instead of arguing the Muslim just closed his mouth and nodded his head and I laughed at how ignorant some people can be.

It's funny, religion has honestly become a competition to Christians. I mean, it's really just America and their way of thinking but the only reason they think this way is because they were raised on it. "GOD BLESS AMERICA!" Everyday at school having God pushed on you, the president having to be a Christian to be elected. It's a fucking joke, you can replace Christianity with any other religion and start over and you'd all do the same shit just to a different name and different book. The only reason you're turning to Jesus and not picking up the Qur'an is because you were born in North America.

Have you even ever seen a Qur'an? I mean fuck, there's a higher Muslim population in the world than there is Christian but you don't know jack shit about it because you come from an arrogant country with no culture and no idea about what's going on in the world except for what's outside your front door. That's exactly what your country wants though. Be a good ol' Christian, fuck those Muslims, then when it's time to take their oil we'll have more reasons to hate them and believe it's a good idea!

You know what other population is growing? Atheism and Agnosticism. You know why? Because we're evolving and actually using our minds to discover there's more out there than what we've been told.

Think yourself, love one another for yourself, do what you think is right because you think it's right. You have a mind and the knowledge of what's morally correct and what isn't. If you want to be a good person, be a good person. If you are a good person and you die being a good person and there turns out to be a Heaven and Hell, if God doesn't accept you into his "Kingdom of Heaven" for being a good person, why the fuck would you want to be there anyways?

God, like the people who lead our countries and make important decisions don't want you to have knowledge and don't want you to better yourself. There is even examples in the Bible where there is proven. What kind of God is that? Humans were communicating so well and building a tower to reach Heaven so God stepped in and split everybody up, dived them all over the world and created different languages to stop us from moving forward. If there is a God, why would you want to follow that type of person? A jealous, racist, homophobic asshole?

Think for youself man, I can't express that enough, think for yourself.
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