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Old 02-08-11, 11:03 PM   #13
Jack The Ripper
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"It's funny, religion has honestly become a competition to Christians. I mean, it's really just America and their way of thinking but the only reason they think this way is because they were raised on it. "GOD BLESS AMERICA!" Everyday at school having God pushed on you, the president having to be a Christian to be elected. It's a fucking joke, you can replace Christianity with any other religion and start over and you'd all do the same shit just to a different name and different book. The only reason you're turning to Jesus and not picking up the Qur'an is because you were born in North America."

So true. Especially about the president absolutely having to be Christian in order to be elected. That's fucked up man. Muh fuckas were tripping so hard over that conspiracy theory that Obama was actually a Muslim and his name even sounded Muslim. So fucking what. So you were on his dick when he was a christian but refuse him as your president if he's muslim? Cuz being muslim is really going to affect your ability to run a country over being a christian right?

and when fucking rapists and child molestors and serial killers talk about how much better of a person they are because they found Jesus that shit makes me so sick to my stomach it's honestly disgusting to see. You aren't a better person, you're still the same fucking scum bag you always were.

If YOUR God is going to let a fucking serial killing child rapist into his mother fucking heaven just cuz the motherfucker accepted Jesus into his heart, but then banish me to hell for all eternity just cuz i'm a motherfucking Jew, then motherfuck your motherfucking God, BITCH!!! I don't wanna be in a heaven that's full of scum-bags anyways. I rather fucking chill with my good-hearted Jew homies and native indians who DIDN'T treat mother nature like shit and just chill out in hell, make some marshmellows over the fire and talk about ghost stories or for the jews the stock market crash which is equally terrifying.

Yea fucking suck it.
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