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Old 02-19-11, 04:57 PM   #3
Jack The Ripper
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Originally Posted by ThatsWhatSheSaid
Jesus SAVES ALL who seek refuge in him, honestly, as equally terrible as it can seem it also shows Gods amazing and unfailing Love, and the absolution of his Justice. Jesus hung out with the sinners, not to be like them but to save them, the lost are the ones who need to be found most. As far as the part about going to hell because you are a Jew, Gods word is clear, it doesn't matter what or who you are, salvation is in Jesus Christ and accepting him as your Lord and Savior, which is no different for someone who isn't Jewish. Also, as far as every post that said Religion (Which I don't practice), but (for the sake of this post I'll say I partake in, I'm actually a Born Again believer, I have a personal relationship with Christ, don't label me) but, those that said it was for the weak don't understand the strength it takes to stay faithful, to always turn to God, in all things, and to restrain from temptation in all forms.

But so what about the native tribe recently discovered in the brazilian amazon who have never been contacted by the outside world yet? I highly doubt they even know what a Jesus Christ is. I highly doubt they know what a bible is. I highly doubt they even know what paper to read shit off of is. So, they're all going to hell because they never seeked refuge in Christ? That doesn't even make sense.

How you're raised is how you are raised and it's a hard thing to change and a personal matter. You think a nice Jewish boy who grew up on kosher food and bagels, went to a private school with only Jews in it, lived in an all Jewish neighborhood, who's parents business contacts are all Jewish aka their future business, is going to decide to convert anytime soon? That's fucking ridiculous - his/her parents would shun them from the family, the community would shun them. Everyone they know, every single person in their life is probably a Jew. No one is going to do business with them anymore if they found out they converted to Christianity and eat bacon for breakfast now. And to a lot of close nit Jewish community families, business is pretty much their whole deal, like that's their life. If you grow up as a Jew, just because some asshole in the subway decides to invade your space and shove a bible in your face and ask you if you're Christian and upon replying "No, I'm a Jew and I'm not interested sorry" continues to ask if you'd like to come to their church just to check it out, isn't going to make you suddenly up and decide "You know what! I change my mind on everything I've been raised on and taught to believe, I'm a born again Christian!" No way man, no way. Quite the contrary and I say this with supreme confidence that the average Christian is MUCH more likely to convert to Judaism then vice versa. Be it because they met a Jewish girl and the family expects him to convert if he wants to be accepted into the family and the business, be it so he can associate with Jewish businessmen, or be it cuz he just wants to be a fucking Jew who knows, trust me, it's much more likely. Jews aint gonna fucking convert man lmao, it's stupid, for what? Faith? A guess? A hope that maybe just maybe if I throw my whole life away and ruin my relationship with my family and everyone I know and discontinue a family business that has been passed down for generations, that hopefully I'll end up in heaven when it's all said and done and it'll have been worth it? That's fucking stupid, period. And if you think a supreme God can't understand that, then you're stupid too, period.

It just logically doesn't add up if you think about it. How could getting a ticket to such an amazingly described place like heaven be so simple as to close your eyes and say "Jesus Christ I accept you into my heart as my lord and savior" despite how you lived your life aka being able to murder and kill and rape and steal and disobey pretty much every commandment and follow the seven deadly sins to a tee. I don't think it's that easy bud. If God is supposed to be some complicated and extraordinary being then I don't understand why people are so intent on trying to humanize him by acting like they know him personally and what God thinks. No one knows what God thinks, no one has the right to say they know what God will or will not do, what he wants and what he doesn't want, what he would agree with and what he wouldn't agree with. Nobody from any religion, nobody in the entire world has the right to pass judgement on God, be it good or bad judgement. You can't tell me shit about God only letting christians into heaven because God never came down to nobody and said it and had it officially recorded and documented. The bible is not official. No body on this earth personally communicates with God or understands God or knows God's intentions, they just attempt to, which in itself I feel to be very disrespectful to a supreme power. Because as much as you'd love to fantasize you have this wonderful relationship with God, the fact is you don't, no one does, not personally atleast. So for anyone to say they know his desires is an insult to his power. There is no way it would be that simple to get to heaven. You think letting rapists into heaven just cuz they decided to be christian but letting african kids who spent their whole lives starving with no education who never had the chance to even learn about or hear the word "Jesus" once in their life-time rot in hell is absolute love? That's not absolute love? That sounds like some kind of nostalgic and demonic demi urge which quite frankly is no God I would want to associate myself with or be a part of. I think it's all just one big plan to keep humans seperated even more then we already are. Only the few chosen ones make it, we are better then you because we are going to heaven and you aren't, we are different and because of it we don't like you as much so we will now segregate ourselves from you.

Nah, we're all the same. God knows we are all the same. That's one thing you can judge about God.

And I'll be fucking surprised if you could give me a logical retort to that, that actually validates your arguement and discredits this one. Fuck it, I'll even accept Jesus as my lord and savior if you can.
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