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Old 02-21-11, 05:21 PM   #7
Jack The Ripper
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The thing is you can't prove God actually said any of that. You can't prove Moses actually heard God say anything to him. You can't prove shit and yet you act like you have the hardest facts and like it's something I never read before or gave thought to. Yes I did create my own theory of God in my mind, just like someone else did when they wrote the first bible, so how dare you pass judgment on me for that. I won't share my theory with any of you ignorant people, but at least my own religion preaches equality, and doesn't state that any other religion is wrong, and doesn't conflict with any other religion, and my theory of God, though not 100% proven, at least has hard scientific facts to back it up and reinforce it, and that's something no other religion that was based on a God does. And the funny thing is, most religions have aspects that if you believe, are also aspects that reinforce my own religion. No other main-stream religion preaches peace and equality. And that's why you fight and fight and fight, and kill and kill and kill. And like I said, it doesn't make sense that a God with a power and intellect strong enough to create a universe, would be so non-understanding like that. Yes everyone of us are sinners, did everyone one of us murder, rape and kill though? No. So just because we all have sinned, don't ever compare me to those types of people and try to claim we're all just one giant group of sinners like there's no difference between us. There's a big difference, I'm a good person, they're all pieces of shit and the scum of society, and if you ever try to compare me to them and say we are similar, you're going to make me a really angry person, and you already did.

Then you speak of the tribes and quote that man-written paragraph as your example for the tribes. Dude wtf? The BIBLE is what let people know that apparently, God made humans in the image of himself so that's what God must look like. So for people who never get a chance to read the bible, how are they supposed to know they are the image of God? They don't know, they can't know, and for anyone to expect them to be able to just figure that out all by themselves with no form of education or holy literature is just plain extremely stupid. To them maybe this whole planet put together is God. Maybe that's what God is to them. Or maybe that giant mechanical thing flying through the air (aka the airplane with the film crew that documented them) is God to them because they see some giant fucking thing flying through the sky that they've never seen before and think "WTF IS THAT, THAT MUST BE GOD" because they don't know wtf a plane is because they lack any education what so ever so they decide to pray to that thinking maybe that's what created the (to their extent of knowledge) very small world around them, and if you think that's their own fault and they should know better, then you're a dick. That's like you give a little kid a knife to play with and he cuts himself and you say "he shoulda been able to figure out that a sharp edge could hurt him" it's fucking ignorant to just expect them to figure that out on their own and ANYONE would say that's bad parenting, so are you trying to call God a bad father now? Ouch. Just because they don't believe in the christian definition of a God, does not mean that they don't worship God. If God is inside everything and they worship nature then that means they worship God in that form, not in the christian man-looking form. Which to say we are the image of God is fucking stupid in the first place, just once again trying to humanize God even more to make us feel closer to him, but guess what, we aren't close to him, we are very, very, very far away.

And are they really just savages with no souls who don't deserve to go to heaven because they don't share our intellect like the old christians used to proclaim about the native americans? No they're not. They know how to communicate, build, form communities, these are still humans we're talking about who posses an intelligence of their own, intelligent enough to live in and survive in one of the most dangerous environments where someone like you, with all your education and worldly and godly knowledge, would not have enough intelligence to last for more than a week. To me, WE are the savages, destroying our own earth that God created for us. God creates this beautiful place for us and what do we do? We start destroying our own O-zone layer, dumping oil into oceans, making species of animals extinct, is that a nice way to worship God? No, we all fucking take God and what he gave us for granted, but they DON'T. God put his hand out to us and we fucking shit on it. So don't you ever fucking judge these people and tell me they are fools because WE are the fools and YOU are the fool because you're just another human who disrespects God, takes what he gave you for granted, and destroys his creation everyday more and more. You may think because you're all holier then thou that it means you don't take his creation for granted but you do, maybe not as much as big corporate owners who's factories pump gasses in the atmosphere, but you do. We are the fucking fools. I am the fool, you are the fool, and we are the savages.

You wanna talk about Native Americans because if you believe that quote then Native Americans are those fools who worshiped animals and nature. So now you bring my ancestors into this and call them fools and make this personal. Ok lets make this personal then. Your christians claiming to be all holy and respectful of God came into OUR land and started destroying it and when we tried to fight back you exploited us and killed us, though the bible says thou shalt not kill. You chrsitians fucking exploit your own God and your own religion to acquire MAN MADE MATERIALS by saying "I can build wtf ever I want and destroy this environment and kill as many people as long as it makes me a lot of money because God gave me this world and its resources to use at my own disposal." That's some disrespectful shit right there.

Native Americans worshiped nature and animals because it's what allowed them to live how they do. And if God created everything, and they worship what he created, then they are giving thanks to God and INDIRECTLY WORSHIPING GOD, worshiping him and respecting him more then any of you ever did. And yea some Christians give thanks before their dinner but not all and even the ones who do the prayers are so redundant it's just like they're doing it to get it over with so they finally stuff their greedy mouths. YOU don't have respect for what God gave you because you can say and think you do but your everyday actions say otherwise. And you think you can just say a prayer and it makes it all better and makes it ok. Whatever helps you sleep at night right?

You're fucking ignorant, so fucking ignorant, to believe my ancestors were fools. Man that really struck a chord with me, that's the most bullshit quote I have ever read and homie some fucking FOOL MAN wrote that, not God. I believe, that God would never be such an inconsiderate prick to ever have the audacity to say that, that's what I believe.

So you believe what you want and keep following the views of the ignorant white man who would have came with their bibles to your asian land and killed all of you if they ever had the chance. I hate you people so much but yet I still hold love for this planet and the people in it. It's the type of shit that could honestly break me down because I know we have the power and the love and the community and the resources and technology at our disposal to create a modern utopia and live in peace and equality but we are lead by the least among us, the least noble, the least intelligent and we follow them into separate paths and we keep ourselves segregated and we do horrible things to each other in the name of our religions and leaders... it really hurts me deep inside, so fuck this stupid topic cuz I'm done thinking bout it.
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The towers aren't still standing but the pyramids are...
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