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Old 02-22-11, 03:15 AM   #12
Jack The Ripper
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Actually fuck it I got more to say.

Cuz my first post was hella respectful. I didn't put anyones religion down, I didn't say the bible wasn't true, I didn't say Jesus never existed, and I didn't call anyone a fool for believing in what they believe in and it was very well written and polite. My second post wasn't but if you couldn't tell that shit was me joking around and busting peoples balls with the way I was talking then you're stupid, I even said something like "talk about ghost stories or for jews the stock market crash which is equally terrifying to them" pretty much bashing on my own culture as jokes so it shoulda been known not to take it overly serious. Obviously there was some seriousness to my post and a point I presented though. But even then I didn't call Christians fools for what they believe in, or to stop being christians or anything like that, I just expressed my opinion how I think it's dumb christians feel like all christians, even the bad ones, can get into heaven, but good people of any other religion can't. That doesn't mean I feel like Christianity is stupid, I never said that in those 2 posts, I just said one specific thing about it that I felt was stupid. And I didn't direct my post at anyone directly, just talking to a public in general. My third post on this topic was after "thatswhatshesaid" posted. And once again I was very respectful, not bashing anyones religion and or claiming their religion to be foolish. I only expressed that I believed it to be foolish that anyone would think someone raised since birth to believe a different religion would suddenly convert to theirs just because they say it's the way to get to heaven, it wouldn't happen, and God should be able to understand that and understand why they wouldn't. That's all I was expressing along with how I don't like how ANY RELIGION tries to act like they know God personally and what he thinks and believes and his intentions etc etc. So I did nothing to deserve to hear that my people, my ancestors, and shit that I believe in, makes me a fool. That made shit personal, and that last post of mine is a result of that. So y'all wanna get personal with me now and claim we are the fools...

How about the crusades when Christians sent an entire army of thousands of young boys and only young boys into battle against grown muslim men to get completely slaughtered because they thought since children had sinned less in their lifetime, God would be more likely to protect them. You fucking stupid people. And you have the nerve to claim we're fools? YOU SENT FUCKING KIDS TO FIGHT AGAINST GROWN ASS MEN!? Really? Cuz you thought God would be more likely to protect them? Really? Just happened to believe that God would chose to protect you over muslims just because you're Christians and your religion is the better one and the only one that God actually supports. Really? So did your fucking faith end up holding true in the end that time? Im pretty sure God was looking down like "Wow, you stupid mother-fuckers, I can't protect these kids because this shit has nothing to do with me. I gave you guys free-will and you decided to kill eachother with it, don't look to me for protection. Damn.. that was a bad move for the christians." Then sat back with a bowl of popcorn.

Yea, so not only do you murder other peoples children, but you seem to murder your own children too? Don't even make me start to bring up the knights of templar don't even fucking push me there.

And for the record, there is a specific example in the Old Testament, where a good man who is not a Jew, gets to go to heaven (we're told). Conversely, sinners of all denominations end up in Hell.

So Jews believe that, as long as you're a good person and follow the entry requirement that a person going to heaven must follow the seven commandments laid down by Noah, that you can get into heaven even if you're not Jewish. You just need to be a good person. But that even if you are Jewish and you're a scummy muh fucka, or scummy muh fuckas of any religion, you'll go to hell.

But if you believe, truelly believe, it was God that literally said all the shit that's in the bible, then you believe that the old testement and the new testement are both Gods words, but you don't need to follow its rules or guidelines, only the ones from the new testement. Ok then but so what's the difference between the Old Testement and New Testement? It was a christian man who wrote the new on. That's the difference. And how convenient in the new one, God just suddenly decides to change his whole mind and go back on his own words, and decides that "you know what i'm not gonna do this whole 'good people go to heaven and bad people go to hell' thing anymore because it's too much work for me to decide through all these dead people who's worthy and who isn't and I'm lazy so fuck it I'm just only going to let Christians in now and fuck everyone else and fuck the the Jews who I had a close relationship with before and helped with miracles to escape Egypt and who have been good to me and worshiping me as their only God for thousands of years" yea how fucking convenient a new testement written by christian hands apparently in the words spoken from God would say that. Yea God just suddenly decided to change his mind completely. Surely.

And I still support certain aspects of Christianity but others definetly not as you can obviously see. And I'm not trying to support the Jewish religion over the Christian's and claim that's better either even though it appears I am. So don't get me twisted bitches because it really pisses me off that fucking Jews don't let women touch the Torah, it really pisses me off and it's fucked up. And I can say shit that I agree with and disagree with about every religion but that's not the topic that got brought up. So for the topics that did get brought I did use some comparisons to other religions to make points but that doesn't mean I'm supporting them and represent them over christianity, not at all. I got my own specefic beliefs that aren't from any other religion because I thought of them myself and that's the only shit I truelly believe in and that shit is gonna stay with me only I aint tryna spread it to the world because the world is ignorant.

And I've done studying on holy scriptures of many different religions, I've done research on their origins, and I hold a degree of respect for all religions and I wouldn't say any religion is foolish but when you push me by saying my people are foolish then you're gonna get shit for it. And I doubt any of y'all ever studied that much or researched other religions that much. Just only ever paid attention to your own and that's it and never researched into other religions not to feel like you want to convert but just for your own benefit and knowledge or other cultures, I highly doubt that. And I bet I know more about Christianity and its origins and how it destroyed the pagan religion (which had so many beautiful ideas and concepts) more then most average christians do.

So with that said, I'm fucking done that's it and that's all I have left to say for this thread and for you ignorant people and I'm fucking out.

It's JTR, lyrical art
The towers aren't still standing but the pyramids are...
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