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Old 02-23-11, 09:08 AM   #9
Jack The Ripper
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Thank you for saying you are sorry for what those people did to mine. I still feel like if you were quoting that passage then it means you agree and it is also your own opinion and belief that they were fools still. But I'll let it go and respond respectfully and maturely once again since you extended me the same curtosy.
You made some points just now that you thought were solid (mainly the one about the earth being round) and they would be but unfortunatly you're talking to someone who has read the entire old testament and new testament more then once, more then twice, who used to believe in the Christian religion as a kid and memmorize bible verses. My mother is Irish-Prodestant, and I was sent to a Christian bible camp (Park-side Ranch) 3 summers straight when I was a kid. Where they avidly would brain-wash me and made me cry when they straight up told me to my face as a 9 year old kid that my father, being Jewish, would go to hell for all eternity as he had not accepted Jesus into his heart. Needless to say my father decided I wouldn't be going back for a 4th year once I told him that. But thanks to my studying of the bible while there, I am able to present you passages that contradict the very point you thought would win this debate for you. After this you will not believe that the bible said the earth was round anymore (in the sense you percieved it as), as it appears you have always thought it did, and your eyes will be opened. Observe.
It's JTR, lyrical art
The towers aren't still standing but the pyramids are...
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