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Old 02-23-11, 09:24 AM   #2
Posts: 13,383
From: Canada

I don't even care what religious people did in the past or what they're doing currently, the fact that they aren't intelligent enough to realize with all the resources we have now that religion is a joke is beyond me.

Explain dinosaurs.. you can't. Easiest way to end an argument with a moron. Anyways..

If you don't believe in science, get off the internet, stop driving your car, quit using appliances, turn all your lights, air conditioning and heaters off. God didn't make these, man did, man evolves and betters himself. We don't grow through God, we grow through evolution and understanding.

Religious people don't grow up, that's the problem.

I get such a kick out of it, as religion is decreasing in numbers what do they do? Start accepting gay people and start bending the rules to recruit more people so they can feel strong. I mean even the front runners of Christianity think it's a joke, why do you think they always get caught in hotel rooms with drugs and hookers? Because the fucking joke isn't on them, it's on you. They get paid to do the easiest fucking job in the world, make idiots believe fairy tales. It's like reading to children, who wouldn't want that gig?

Grow the fuck up, please, for your own good.
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