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Old 02-28-11, 03:23 PM   #11
_Talksic_'s Avatar
Posts: 2,414

see noting is wrong with bodybuilding, rap boards, most rap music, im sure god would endorse bodybuilding, theres the story in the bible where god had a guy pushing on a rock that he couldnt move and the guy got mad cause he couldnt move the rock and gods whole point was to show the guy that by doing that it built muscle.
the problem with bodybuilding in my case is when i do something, i deal in extremes, i set my mind it gets done. i was raised to believe that if your going to do something to do it with 110%. the problem with doing that is that you create an idol that you put before god. the bible teaches get right with god first and everything else will follow. that can be debated or whatever but it couldnt be more true. i can elaborate and break it down if need be.....
on top of it my dream and what i want my career to be is to train troop in close quarters combat and i cant do that if i gas out after 5 minutes of grappling cause i have to much muscle. it just seems that at this point in my life that bodybuilding isnt the way to go.

"the loudest one in the room is the weakest"- frank lucas..
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