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Old 02-28-11, 03:47 PM   #9
Jack The Ripper
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Originally Posted by ichaboy
"LMAO right. The POPE was the one who decided that buckaroo so you can believe they weren't your precious Christians all you want but the truth is they sent little Christian boys into war to get slaughtered by men, period."

False "fact". And if you're going to spew "False facts", science lover,
then I suppose you don't have much belief in science.

The pope never ordered boys to go into war. He simply didn't disapprove.
He did however disapprove after a few volunteer armies of children had several misfortunes. Pope Innocent III, in fact.
man you're arguing semantics right now. It wasn't his idea but the idea needed to go through the Pope first in order to happen. If he had said no from the get-go, it wouldn't have happened. So Pope not innocent, in fact

"It was believed as long as you obeyed Noah's seven commandments you could end up in Heaven no matter what religion you were"

However, breaking anyone would result in having to convert into a Jew or go to hell. End of story. Christianity allows forgiveness of sins through belief of and reliving sacrifice.
And that's why animal sacrifices along with other ways of cleansing sins were believed. And you didn't have to follow every commandment to a tee just live your life the best you could and sin as least as possible and it would be gods judgement in the end

The bible, even in the old testament does not claim you can go to heaven by being a good person. They had things called "sacrifices." These sacrifices they had were of animals so that their sins would be forgiven. Later in the New testament, Jesus becomes the perfect sacrifice for our sins so we dont need to sacrifice animals for our sins anymore. So even Jews knew they were not good enough in the Old Testament, because if they were, why did they sacrifice animals?
Stupid. He's talking about non-Jews. Jews sacrificed animals.
Yea lol... Jews still believed you could be of another religion and still go to heaven, despite the conditions, they still believed it.

Yea because all of them followed Noah's seven commandments directly and perfectly to a tee without ever disobeying them once and thinking "shit we gotta make a sacrifice now"
Sacrifices were at the end of a period of sinning. Jews had salvation through them, at least, easier salvation in the afterlife than a gentile. As mentioned before, gentiles must convert to Judaism if they break the Noachide.
like I said, despite the conditions behind it, they still believed you could go to heaven

okay im stopping here.

Obviously this thread is full of complete morons and 80% of this site's intelligence left when I did.
maahh me bro I always been intaligent lmao

so hollaaaaa............
It's JTR, lyrical art
The towers aren't still standing but the pyramids are...
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