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Old 03-28-03, 09:16 PM   #11
Posts: n/a

I don't feel comfortable battling these 2 trash men
it feels like I'm punchin car accident victims with their brains bashed in
I told spit this is uneven battle castin, I know these fools won't be lastin
victory is what shadow god and I will bask in, dalinquent's a traitor just ask him
it's astoundin how the crew you were found in is now givin you an ass poundin
him and synikal must rap with dicks in their mouth's cause that's how their soundin
I didn't think fools like you would of been bitch slap respondin cause that's common
like blacks being treated wrong by lawmen
my flow is spinnin you like I'm spittin a tornado
I call the shots in here cause I got the say so, I say synikal's new name is play dough
I only say that cause he's gay though, he want's to call a battle treaty like he's nato
me and shadow are gonna beat him on the street like he's ramo
dalinquent's a lamo, gayer than a shirt revealin a rainbow
so to these clowns I say game over
if you wanna win this battle you better go get a four leaf clover
the fact dalinquent and synikal are gettin beat isn't covert
it's known round the globe, better yet all the galaxies
all your acusations are just silly fallacies, shadow and I ran you over like manatees