Thread: Night vs. Amend
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Old 03-29-03, 04:34 PM   #3
Posts: 1,572

Call me an anarchist.

.cuz in this battle its kind of like im shredding the constitution.
.cuz rippen amend is easy like women after many pills and boozin.
.me losin? unlikely like catching fat joe sportin a speedo.
.you spittin at cheap depths apparantly you are raps free hole.
.ya weak ho make you see holes in ya style as if its lacking sum.
.i'll aim a bazooka at ya lips attempting to cease ya flapping gums.
.im an arsonist to ya style and i will burn ya oak home sooner.
.amend couldnt give night comp. if he donated his computer.
.rippin shit (E)ven (M)ore (C)litoris This Pussy Kid I'm Swarmin See.
.you could spit ya verse with a sopranos weapon and wouldnt be harmin me.
[ Word for Word ]

Kevin. Alex. Patrick. John.