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Old 04-02-03, 01:06 AM   #16
LaRyan Shabaz
Posts: n/a

Originally posted by Bruklor

Fucking kids...

Okay okay okay...
I've seen enough children call eachother children on this board already.

The focus of the site is on "battles" in which there is an uwavering amount of bitching about people dropping writtens. Are you saying every keystyle on the board is wack? Some stuff is good, and some is bad. I think an open suggestion for people who keep dropping "sHiT WeHnn I bEE pISSeD, DaWG!" might want to head to the cyphers, but you've alienated people by typically going off on an abrasive tiff. That's going to garner defiance. The notion that a keystyle has no merit, or "meaning" is absurd. You really can't call it an "open mic" then, you wish to have a "finished song" board. We know what you want, but you might want to listen to others more.
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