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Old 04-04-03, 02:21 PM   #4
Posts: n/a

okdokey gays!

4 dummies:
synikle got like 100 aliases (sneeky, ta mu fa, forensics, ect)
resovoir cats is an all fem cru
in the cru roaster there at the bottom lol

battle these two? what is this the loozer wins?
they get kicked out, like there dady on the booze again/
jays got a fan club! nah its just synikals usernames/
compared to these bitches, resovoir cats a cru of men/
thinking they assassinators cos they only hit-man/
jay, ull never be off the wall like ur avys stickman/
these pussies easy to rob, like hippies sellin herbs and bongs/
rhymes so fake they even call themselves verbal cons/
they getin net windows closed cos they stench so rotton/
no wonder why in ur cru roaster u two fags at the bottom/
jay says syn's crap at "loving"???? he must love to rap??
don’t share drugs but the dog sniff each others cracks/
out dated like winter coats plus they smother backs/
ending like the film the dogs shootin each other, twats/


p.s.if u a vet dont mark me down for bolding the puns and the facts, there are sum newbies that wont get it