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Old 04-05-03, 05:12 PM   #3
Posts: n/a
Switch uP...


Vendetta Hit Grimey's ass across the chamber cuz he got a glass jaw...Vendetta get raw, the best Grimey ever saw...

Grimey get dissed, with my lyrical fitness
I bruise with my news, so Grimey be the Eyewitness...

I kicked it, to rip this, to be the mag-nificent
Vendetta get specific, the groove is mad isn't it...

Switch uP...

Don't try to press it kid, you know Vendetta
is not having it, word to life Grimey get stitched...

Too bitch to get down, represent and bring in a gun
Pops the trunk if it's beef that make up...

Everything is real, Vendetta feels what's real
Now Grimey packin steel and I won't guard my grill...

So Grimey watch what you say when you come around my way
And if Grimey scared say you're scared...

"But don't be afraid"

Vendetta quiet as kept, "GRIMEY"...
I vic em and I stick em...

bitch ass nigga Grimey til he bleeds to death
And let the fans donate what's left of the body...

Vendetta mad like Cobra, I'm the right one like soda
With red eyes, I'm teachin Jedis, like I was Yoda...

I'm too daisy crazy with my penis as a bonus
Keep my fro combless sag my pants like I'm homeless...

The 303 from where I get, fuck the rumors
Do damage to Grimey like a tumor, walk through Grimey's ass in my Pumas...

Vendetta dyslexic, I wreck shit, words flip when I read em like
check mic two One Vendetta redrums Grimey...

Vendetta Play Grimey like Annie, until tomorrow...//