Thread: World War III??
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Old 04-10-03, 02:04 AM   #2
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Aight man let me see here....

alright, now where do i start here, should i start with george bush/
yeah, that man's callin the shots comin quick wit an ambush/
is he doing this for freedom, or is he doin it for fame?/
or is it a personal vandetta against saddam hussein?/
fighting for freedom?, i thought we already had that/
is it really worth all the americans lyin in body bags?/

The idea about this topic is something that is kinda hard for me to do personally cause I have tons of opposing views and it's hard for me to start, but you went at the heart of the project, nice beginning, the flow was straight and came off steady throughout.

"or is it a personal vandetta against saddam hussein?/
fighting for freedom?, i thought we already had that/"
I like to think about those two conflicting ideas as well when I hear people talking about this war, but the thing that caught me was the second line quoted there. Technically, we do have freedom, it's just that it's becoming endangered and people worring about going out and living the "free" life is being taken away, just some clarification.

at least they chunken they soldier rags, representin they hood/
but unlike a mad thug, these niggas out to do good/
how many people have to die at the mercy of one man/
we bombin all of the cities that nigga's under the sand/
damn....didnt know one man could destroy the whole earth/
we makin him look invinsible, like he can't get hurt/
we just bombed a buildin full of poeple, and he MIGHT be dead/
i bet that motherfucker is goin crazy in his head

All of these lines were nice thoughts about how you see it, I liked that, again the flow was good and nicely kept through here, I could see where you were going with this with your nice wordage, nothing too complex, yet a piece such as this can go in either direction, I like this effort here.

we fired a round at a hotel, full of american journalists/
2 killed, three wounded, it's like a story wit a sick twist/
20 pts for saddam, playin us like an arcade/
but as bad as it may look, that nigga's the one hidin/
coward ass punk bitch, i wish i knew where you were hidin/

Overall I was feelin' how this piece was coming together, the first four lines quoted were nice and brought some added truth to the piece which is also nice, although....

"but as bad as it may look, that nigga's the one hidin/
coward ass punk bitch, i wish i knew where you were hidin/"
That did not appeal well to me, it's kinda awful to see that at the end of a piece that had nice potential, I would say to end it more metaphorically, or even with a stronger opinion, not how you would react physically per se but where your feelings are based, overall this piece is nice, I liked how you came with the concept and brought your views to it man, nice piece. Actually if you recall The Cold War that in many reguards could and many people assume that with World War III, this could spark that, but I highly doubt it, nice piece man...

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