Thread: The Devil
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Old 04-16-03, 03:41 PM   #1
Lokinator's Avatar
Posts: 3,242
From: in the limelight
The Devil


His outrageous thoughts, rage in phrases that amazes gods//
Contagious bars, engraved in faces, what the cases caught//
Disgraced n scarred by what they brought wit a graceful art//
His name will mark, so dope he will reply with a caustic remark//
The race is lost, he's got mo' hateful costs than racist cops//
With every drop, get maimed n tossed inta basement vaults//
Drawin with his faults, he hits unexpected like predicting tommorrow//
When he spits you get sprayed, filled wit sorrow, feelin layed in burrows//
His inner darkness turns elements into burned sediments//
Journalists inta churned venison, urn buries 'em after he learns veterans//
His morbid forces force the orbit of your core forward//
A metamorphisis of four horses hault for the joyful chorus//
His blows will throw ya, bolt ya throat off your shoulders//
Hold ya whole soul in horror, Sodom n Gomorra, hittin it lower//
Life's a whore he proposed to n bore more sorrow//
Like he was supposed to, Drew swords sworn as the globes hollow//

He birthed horizons, bringin lines that searched for violence//
To get mo' solid points like fights at knife fests, He rehearsed the nicest//
His verses collided inside of minds wit an unheard of silence//
For the answers, he searched his iris, .... kaniving//
He even ruled out the cross like church n tryants//
First shall be last when, he lightens down our loads like attachments//
Transactions of sinful actions, keepin tabs then add the taxes//
With the Word of God, he stabs the masses, acid rappin//
Revelation of our Genesis our past is backwards, It just happens//
All that is in your hands collapses, all your tasks get snatched then to blame//
You're found a flacid hapless captive, baskin in hell's matches the flames call your name//
Jailed wit all your dames n each day you find out that it's all the same//
Dismayed in all your shame n fo each sin said in each sick phrase your jaw is maimed//
Cryin out 'Oh God' insane, hopin it's just a phase, the demons touch your face//
As you look to the heavens n see throats erupt in praise//
Metaphors he borrows from the depths of God's tourso//
Stays packed like Warsaw, he did it coz he thought so//
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