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Old 04-24-03, 01:55 PM   #3
Posts: n/a


it's curtains, DEFIANT, you're the faggot version of fifty cent/
u'r punchlines r played, so like over working pimps all u'r tricks r spent/
watch as this kid gets bent and broken, chest gets opened, contents spilled/
leave your heart skipping beats like the latest cd from lauryn hill/
like nike advertising i'm bout to put my foot up in mags/
rubbed me on a box till i catch fire, i still couldn't be matched/
your looking to grasp at straws, Vendetta bout cracking jaws/
i'll get your face slashed from paws with retracting claws/
like dogs eating homework, for an emcee you're a lame excuse/
i'll punch your frame into the ceiling and use you to raise the roof/
i'm hater proof, so do u'r best, u'r most well aimed shot'll fail to graze me/
i'm breaking your will, crushing your and, and destroying your maybe/
DEFIANT makes about as much impact as bad spliffs/
i'll drive you over the edge, of an extremely large cliff/
watch me waste this last bar, just to make it an even rhyme/
cause this fool couldn't raise a bar with no weights on either side/