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Old 04-25-03, 09:26 AM   #2
Posts: n/a

your the best example of a stupid ass
no one can tell if your a girl or boy, even your spouse came up to you and asked
just reading this makes you cry like someone opened your eye then threw in glass
your record's getting nothing but trashed, I'm talkin ruin'd fast
Ive seen you get thrown around on this site through and past
the day you don't spit a fucked up verse is when your diseaced
your impression of a retard is the only talent you increased, to say the least
if your crew was bread and you were yeast, yall still wouldn't rise
I couldn't see any crew wantin you, I know to you that's no surprise
just quit rap is what I have to advise, your battle attempts are just sorry ass try's
you say hey at least i'm tryin but I reply that's not wise
cause you end up gettin ate up like a hamburger and fries
in a room full of fat girls with very hungry eye's
you need some work kid, you need some coachin
you can't get girls cause they alway's start runnin when your aproachin
and when you do talk to them it's like your fuckin frozen
I know this verse caused you pain, go take some motrin
not just leave site, stop postin, your record's already cracked, yeah it's fuckin broken