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Old 04-25-03, 11:50 PM   #3
Dirty Shanks
Posts: n/a

match my 17 ok.... I didn't wanna stop on this one..

More punchlines for Ruthless? shit kidd, I’ll do this with a passion..
Been around so long I've seen more hoods than winter fashions!::
Ya chest is my road to success, I cross cut through inter-sections..
not impressed? Im god blessed wit illness obsessed wit my reflections!!::
My status is earned, but I can see that your future looks bright..
Cause its said when you die, you'll be walkin’ towards my light!!::
“Shanks got shit for brains and thinks about… nothing butt ass”?
So How you gonna spit nasty script, when I lit a match ta GAS!!::
I’ll smash your enert raps and give you a Dirty blood bath!!!..
why am I wastin’ my time, he can’t even correctly spit a child’s rhyme::
That’s why he always comes up short like faulty electrical lines!..
don't matter if you re-fuse to have ya lights knocked out man..
Each round ya punches stay wak & off target like masterbatin’ hitmen!!::
Your skills don’t pack heat, they’re like dairy products, they lack toast!..
u've forced me to bench ya mothers sister, Up the ante hoe..
this slut can't hand me a loss wit both thumbs in his panty holes!!::

I'm fixin' to go through ya whole crew untill ya boy's are crushed..
Damn right I'll be pushin ya buttons duke I'll turn ya motto "Toy's Are Us"!!::

(“”)quote in there was not word for word, but…
he thought I WAS ass, ok sure son I’m wack…lmao..

good luck...

*edit was for 's' at tha end of button.. finisher..*