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Old 04-30-03, 05:41 PM   #1
Posts: n/a
8 Bars of My Heart


My "8 bars of Heart" My "8 bars of Heart"
I've been abu§ed and brui§ed in the heart/
§eem like I was doomed a§ I crept out the wound from the §tart/
When I was a baby I ate weed out the back §eat of my dad' § car/
That incident left me with a painful and permenant mental §car/
The world a§ I know it i§ full of pain and mental angui§h/
I wi§h pain wa§ more like match fire, ea§y to extingui§h/
referring to a match when its just lit

When I wa§ younger walking down the §treet I got stuck up/
Lightning fla§hed before my eye..........Thought I wa§ about to die/
Nigga a§ked me for $2 and I wa§ gonna give it to him not gonna lie/
Turned around and it wa§ my freind so I gue§§ I lucked up/

I have grey hair§ at i§xteen cuz I'm real stre§§ed
§till able so you could say that I'm real ble§§ed/

Before a tear §hed'§ down my eye I think about other§ wor§t off and decide not to cry/
I vi§ualize my§elf in §tarving ethoiopian'§ po§ition and notice how they barely §eem get by/
Next time you go through pain just remember it could be wor§t/
When going through pain ju§t realize that you're not the fir§t/
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