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Old 05-02-03, 02:59 PM   #3
Posts: n/a

You’re a disgrace 2 man/
A nigga who got caught beatin his dick on a live web cam/
U ain’t a male u a caveman who hasn’t evolved/
U like a fuckin crossword puzzle which hasn’t been solved/
Mankind doesn’t deserve 2 be metioned in the same line as u/
Wen ya not beatin ya dick your avin more fun than u supposed 2 wiv a wooden snooker que/
Theres a wall where man on 1 side n u on the other n you’ll neva make it through the gate/
You’re a disgrace 2 man, whos fate is 2 live in the gutter eattin scaps off a steel back plate/
U the kinda pussy who always got picked last in school football/
Who went shoppin wiv his mum at 19 at the local mall, n cudnt get pussy so fantasised over the posters on his wall of jean paul/
U a disgrace 2 man but u ain’t a man n that a fact cos u ain’t got no dick/
U fillin in a gay questionnaire n answerin every question wiv a straight tick/
Im ashamed of ya mum n ya dad 4 producin something so weak/
Your ass wasn’t planned, u were a split in a condom, a fuckin sperm leak/
But Its o.k cos your kind fallen straight off the food chain n becoming extinct/
U just wish your ass cud turn bac the clock n make r genes linked/
You’re a pussy arse bitch, a disgrace, a nigga who shud be ashamed 2 show his own face/
Cos u ain’t out servin ya own country at war/
Actually its probably beta that u not cos if u were your arse wud cause a civil war/
You’re a disgrace, 2 man n mankind all in 1 case/
N im gonna finish u dawg so get down 2 the cemetery n find yourself a suitable place!

Thats it!