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Old 05-03-03, 06:54 PM   #4
i changed my title !!
Posts: 941
From: Kincardine Ontario

a long party i'm too tired, i fall into a sleep too deep/
psycotic thoughts and vivid nightmares of suicide in my sleep/
ironic thought, " that would be some what of a feat/
after all that i've beat and then sent off to retreat/
the simple thought frightens me lost because of self defeat/
past events and gaintic woes now i face my biggest foe/
wake up or is it a dream a dark room where do i go/
a right turn past the door and i think i hear a scream/
what a burn my girl with some one else this must be a dream/
i run into the room and start throwing punches at this guy/
he ducks pulls a knife and then lunging it deep into my thigh/
i back off in agony and yell "i'll kill you before i ever die!!"/
my vision's blurring and the pain is causing me a headache/
i don't know if it's real but he's dead even if this is fake/
i turn and face him again this time it's the barrel of a gun/
i try and move and/or duck but at this range it takes only one/
the cops show up later that night at my house and see me/
they say it was suicide there was no one here it was just me/
did i pull the trigger on my self during this last time i slept?/
or was the dream so real that the bullet that i caught, i kept/

i was in a rush and i don't know the no show rate in this legue is high so i'll win anyway
win loss record 18-19 with 7 k.o's

and sign up for the battle league would yeah, also show up if your already in the league