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Old 05-04-03, 01:52 AM   #4
Posts: 1,572

check it out now....

jack is a famous writer. he writes lots of novels.
ideas come from outside. his pen just follows.
the meanings are hollow. they arent true life.
so he searches himself. to see what truths like.

as a kid jack had nothing his family was poor.
so he wrote all day leaping to a land of lore.
fiction hit him and he finally found ways to explore.
and ingenious symptoms led him to the core.
of his own heart and his writings had emotion.
we wrote from himself his mind was spoken.
he showed his heart with a pen and never ceased.
and the emotion ran through his words like disease.
he pleased any one who read his deep words.
while he reached those who had deep wounds.
to their soul and this went on until the day came.
that day when souls perish in this old game.
life. changed the day his father came home.
drunk as fuck in a violent and raging zone.
and he took his fist and cracked jacks skull.
and then jack didnt write from his heart no more.

so tonight jack returned to that desolate night.
with a plan to ignore fright and just write.
so he did for a while about that time he was ten.
and he searched in his heart some more....
only this time with his pen

jack killed himself.
[ Word for Word ]

Kevin. Alex. Patrick. John.