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Old 05-07-03, 10:25 AM   #1
Posts: 2,104
~~Napping Thru Reality~~


i dont awake from sleep cause im asleep while awake
a never ending dream state that i cant seem to shake
changes to make, but those are risks not easy to take
routines to break, but im just a fiend for mistake
pain stakenly fake, i cant believe my own thoughts
a long line of bullshit thats always coming up short
lie to myself for sport cause the ball is rarely in my court
cant handle reality at all, so i just let it go & abort
my mind's a resort, taking vacation from the everyday
in each & every way i cant reach the place im destined to stay
im dressed for success only to let stress & regret stain away
any hopes for today, anyway.. tommorow is not a given
as the world turns my head never stops spinnin
from start to begining, im sitting amid harsh critisism
& constant riticule is so habitual, its become a bitch ritual
for some people who, consider it cool to mark Rich a fool
What, When, Where & Who gave you the permission too?
that, in addition to, all this bull im forced to listen to
its just sick and pitiful, these rules are set up just to limit you
its dispicable, its become an issue to make life less hospitable
thats it, my eyes are full... and these lies are true
so what's a mixed up crooked mind to do?
go back, first line, peep... sleep and keep rewinding........ through!!!!
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