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Old 05-07-03, 04:38 PM   #46
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sick lines from ruth

Beat this herb to Death with a Clock cuz i got 2 much Time on mah Hands/14 ^this was ill as fuck
Profane Frees - Explain the Tip of ya Dick is ur 'Main Squeeze'/15
Comin at Ruth U - fag - now how u gonna spit rhymez witta Brain FreeZe

nice lines from fatal

I'm takin the "number 1" wit "magic" like "Tracy McGrady did Penny"
Told Ruthless to "elevate our beef", this bitch "threw a steak in the air
travel through ribs, hit his pelvis and "leave em dickless" like the "monster in his sig
ill lines^

dam this was quite close but i'm goin with fatal on this.....just came harder.....ruthless i seen u come with harder shit than that but still had some nice punches
good battle