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Old 05-07-03, 09:30 PM   #10
Posts: n/a

10 min. keystyle........

Hey yo
I'll pull your card, smash your face when my punches split right through ur guard//
Leaving this rook-scarred...kid is staring at rocks, thinking that he looks hard//
I cook lard just to heat up the beef I'll beat up this geek before he's ready to run//
My style is like being a 'runner up in Christian relays' second to nun (none)//
I'm like obese people, cause when it comes to weight(guns) I carry a ton//
Watch where your stepping son I'm quick to pull out a machete for fun//
Kid thought u had this win? well I'll 'cut your arm off' to prove ur 'out on a limb'//
Deliver a thunderous swing; similar to swishes your styles 'all net'; under the rim//
Fight me again; n find out I'm ready to drop a 'Holy Shit' rd like a 'constipated priest'//
1 punch will have ur lung expanding cease; I stole your heat like a confiscated piece//
U'll get no I can say this battle's a 'blowout' like getting my dick 'sucked outside'//
Have your luck subside; kids like 'Mormons', just 'wont go down without a fight'//
I spit out delight; words confound competition when I spit profound verbs and nouns//
Herbs get pound with pronouns; must be a 'circus cafe' the way I 'serve this clown'//
With Clarks I kickā€¦strike and hit this bitch with precise marksmanship//
Your back will split when I get the clip, then persist to embark with spit//
U wont get the V; I simply get the W as people X my name and vote against you//
'Dyslexic'? I'll 'spell it backwards' too; as I X out the W and take this V from U!!!!!

18 lines, i dont with it