Thread: -True Colors-
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Old 05-10-03, 06:03 PM   #1
..A New Breed of Femcee..
DaGyrlRemarqabL's Avatar
Posts: 454
-True Colors-


Where the bluest of ocean meets pink skies on the horizon.
Rainbow Raindrops capsizing; The morning sun rising.
These interaction of hues, are of satisfaction to you?
You say yes, But I know your attraction's untrue.
The mixed green and light blue, of a mornings fresh dew.
The black night changing to, the white moonlight's debut.
Through and through; I cant see how one could draw this view:
That when its nature, its beauty. But when its skin, it's taboo.

All too true. We're Like a 'facial-formation', to be honest,
Our interracial-relation causes people to 'frown' on-us.
Cuz they keep bigoted minds shut-tight like an eye-lid
And fidget with the twines of anything hy-brid.
For they love the blossom of deep purple, and would never wish to fade-it.
But forget it was blue and red petals that came together to create-it.
May not fit-in ur-group if one's peach and another's brown
But we stick-to-our-'roots', since we 'hold eachother down'.
Feelings deep, you can't dodge it; you just can't dislodge it
Why must ours be a battle between love and logic?
Love says: "Ive been there since the first time you kissed-him"
Logic says: "You cant marry a muslim and a Christ-ian."
But forget-them, and fuck that whole world they exist-in,
For if we were resisting, look what we'd be missing.
Tho he has different hues in the hint of his face,
I wouldnt fix them to match; not a tint nor a trace.
Even tho if they did, we would be more accepted
But why wish change on somethin already perfected.
I see his true colors, and there's nothing Id trade
For together, we make the most beautiful shade.
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