Thread: Iraq
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Old 05-12-03, 12:57 PM   #2
Atetrack define'
Posts: n/a

it was aiight dub,the vocab was simple adn you go tyour point across,but still you need to keep writing and elevating coz theres heaps of room fo rimprovent no doubt,im liking wha tyou havet o say but your style is mad simple,amybe you like it like that nad thats your own right,but still i thought it came a bit weaker then what it could have been,and alot of the lines lost hte flow,but then again i dont know wha tyou spit like,this migh tbe perfect or you nahmean,thats the problem with writtens you cant tell,but i enjoyed readin git no doubt dub,just keep writng an elevatin and youll get it ,youogto some positiv esitin your head with this drop...


peep my shi tsometime,zions and my quick verse aiight
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