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Old 05-15-03, 09:01 PM   #14
Posts: n/a

We wouldnt be "Riding On the Same Level" if my Car Had "Low-Pro's"::.

Becuase his Rymes Just "No Longer Blaze" like Snoopy-D-O-Double-G::.

Your SuperSoaker Making-Me-Wet, doesent mean that you can "Spray-with-the-best"::.
You'll Pay-for-your-threats, Like "Dolphins", I got Evolve Running-away-from-the-Net::.

"Chess, against Animal M.D's" is the Only time that you should "Play-with-a-Vet"::.

He wouldnt match rymes with me if he MADE MINES!!,cuase Hes Like a game of "FourSquare" with all those Played Lines

Cause Evolve is "Running Off Track", like He just Pulled a "Train Crime"::

Nice lines.....

cause your like a straight - A- student & im guessing you want to be taught a lesson//

What Is This?? sounds like Kindergarden Business... he must be jus Kidding around
but its no Joke when i let my Children treat your mom's Mouth like a Playground//


Its Obvious Who Won....Rise Definately Had Better Punches.....

Evolve Came Tight But Rise Came Out On Top.......

Vote Rise......