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Old 05-17-03, 05:46 AM   #3
Nuclear Weaponz
Posts: n/a

Sensationally we walk around tha Earth blinded by lies, disquised under convienences and thrides/
Pouring hearts of pride over freedom acts many soildiers died, but we still locked up on a leash, no privacy or open arms to hide/
Links to tha chain holdin incredible strength is a brief explanation of life, not to far of boundarys and always someone watchin with pleasure over your strife/
Illusions dont last forever and people are startin to relize tha true vision of their eyes, that their life is scheduled, already baked fresh like pies, but no complaints noone cries/
Bolt after bolt..lock after frozen animation, silence is golden but i'm sick of livin wid rage and frustration/
Refluxing resperation....influenced enough...i'm confused between morals, rights and wrongs based on words and editorals/
Disastrous future with no hope to keep seeking and destroying, hatred has blasted off from freedom on chains that my personalities are deploying/
Clenching my fists...relized tha truth...decepted as a human being, and people ask why i'm in a murderous feeling/
Boiling up, i feel tha roots of evil soiling up, pressurized hatred for tha economy and tha reasons why they're not spoiling us/
Death is a leading cause of it, can happen to anyone even an idol, when tha feeling of worthless becomes suicidal/
Containment...locked inside a thought times would change but you where wrong to think tha way of life could rearrange/
Seconds after minutes...hours after hours...strained enlightenment so no one can witness our true power/
Legal studies and terms for basics...closest to a reach around is tha expansion of lifes holdin laces/
No braces...nothin to lean on...fuck tha goverment they'll get more pressure when tha heat is on/