Thread: -True Colors-
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Old 05-18-03, 04:40 PM   #18
Light Weight
Posts: 234

This was probably one of the deepest ones I've read on here. Actually, it was the deepest. I completely agree that words can't do this justice. You need a hug for this one

I liked how you compared the sky colors to skin colors. Wow, this one should be in a book.

"Where the bluest of ocean meets pink skies on the horizon.
Rainbow Raindrops capsizing; The morning sun rising.
These interaction of hues, are of satisfaction to you?
You say yes, But I know your attraction's untrue.
The mixed green and light blue, of a mornings fresh dew.
The black night changing to, the white moonlight's debut.
Through and through; I cant see how one could draw this view:
That when its nature, its beauty. But when its skin, it's taboo."

That whole part there was very good. You made it so easy to picture real life with just words. Then I liked how that last line fit in there.

"For they love the blossom of deep purple, and would never wish to fade-it.
But forget it was blue and red petals that came together to create-it.
May not fit-in ur-group if one's peach and another's brown
But we stick-to-our-'roots', since we 'hold eachother down'."

I really liked those lines too. I wish I could say more about why I liked it but I can't. All I can say is that it was extremely good.

"Love says: "Ive been there since the first time you kissed-him"
Logic says: "You cant marry a muslim and a Christ-ian."
But forget-them, and fuck that whole world they exist-in,"

This part is something I kind of disagreed with. I mean, love is blind, so I'm not saying Christians and Muslims shouldn't marry. But, being a Christian, I can understand how hard it would be to do that. Both religions say not to marry someone of different faith. I dunno, I guess I'm just saying make sure the Love is real before going through with something like that. It would be a lot of hard times for both people.

"Tho he has different hues in the hint of his face,
I wouldnt fix them to match; not a tint nor a trace.
Even tho if they did, we would be more accepted
But why wish change on somethin already perfected.
I see his true colors, and there's nothing Id trade
For together, we make the most beautiful shade."

Ah man, this was another good part of it. Damn, I wish I could explain more why I liked it. It went together very well. It couldn't be any more true.

I pretty much quoted your whole piece here, and I'm sure this response is going to be a mile long, but I feel it's the least I could do in response to such a good piece. The hug is always open for you but you have to come to me to get it :P
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