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Old 05-18-03, 07:55 PM   #1
Tampons are expensive
shiznit's Avatar
Posts: 676
From: Somewhere uve never been born....
-==Insomia and Infomercials==-


Sleep doesn't come easy
Not like it used to
I toss and turn all night long
Praying that soon my consciousness will be gone
I fumble for the remote and turn on the TV
But a lowly signal pattern is all that greets me
I flip through the channels, but the story's all the same
Blue screens, fraudulent preachers, and infomercials; kings of the late-night domain
I pass an I Love Lucy repeat, skip a cheesy dating show
Flip through TV court drama, and past a channel cluttered in snow
I settle on an infomercial, the host building the product up
But it doesn't help the fact that the item is nothing but junk
Have a bigger bust, get firmer abs
Miracle bikini wax, and tiny portable fans
A grill that's sloped, a device that slices
Stainless steel cookware, and other junk at affordable prices
Everything's a system, oh so cheap
Comes with a free gift, oh so neat
Testimonials galore from people like me
All come with a lifetime guarantee
I shake my head at all the mundane drivel, finally ready for sleep
But even then, I know that I will get little in the way of relief
The damage is done and my body is weary, insomnia not at all being fun
With a rueful sigh, I close my eyes, knowing that even my dreams will be reruns
<br><br><center>- Shiznit -
- Tampons are still expensive -
- That's a Fact - </center>
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