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Old 05-19-03, 11:19 PM   #13
Middle Weight
Posts: 1,428
From: Aussie Hip Hop

The next day i put a glock to my headed ended it all,
Floated up to heaven it as like burstin through a wall,
God asked me if i wanted to become A STAR i said never wanted to be bright so he made me the DULLEST STAR,
This the only shit fiction the rest has happend but i was doing this story from anyones perspective from a street kinda person
thsi was a hard topic to do , how come the other guy didnt poll vote for me.If you didnt like his verse than why did you vote for him?I didnt really mean that bout punches but as i explained i wrote down my verse before i battled so..........................
Soft focus

Whats the point of living?

The voices in my head Feat. Rule

Unlikely Alias

More Comming soon!