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Old 05-20-03, 11:42 AM   #17
one wink
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Posts: 4,521
From: Climbing a mesa

Jackmioff - Well...True its an ‘Open Mic’ so its up to you to take the subject and use it, which you did. But you did it in a battle verse, which is, well...boring kind of. We have a battle league as well. A battle verse in a Topical Open Mic League just seems so uncreative.

Will’Con – Wasn’t to bad. The story wasn’t great, its been used a lot. You did have some nice lines though. “ praying for forgiveness as his life spilled from his head”
“ My visions blurry can’t breathe, I’m wheezing try to feel for indicator of life but I cant feel my heartbeat.”
- Those were your best lines, in my opinion.

So... Vote – Will’Con

P.S. “there” is referring to a place. “their” is the word used for someone’s stuff...thought you should know.
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