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Old 05-20-03, 02:00 PM   #15
Tha Linez Drawn
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Wasn't talking to you RISE...I was talking to irrelivance...

kaffar...means a dis-believer, doesn't mean non-muslim,
a Kaffar is one who after he/she receives the truth from their Lord then they reject it...A non-muslim may or may not be a kaffar depending on if when they receive the truth they reject it or not...of course if you accept it then you are no longer non-muslim but you are a that means that if you are a non-muslim but not a kaffar then you just haven't received the truth yet...that is the aim of my posts to give you the truth so that you can decide if you want to be a believer(muslim) or dis-believer(Kaffar...infidel)...peace...irrelivance.. .one at a time...don't you think if a religious ideology can systematically destroy all other false precepts in God then that ideology must be the religion from the True is the knowledge of Islam that disproves all other false ideologies...peace
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