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Old 05-20-03, 07:54 PM   #1
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Rachel Lawrence Poem (Lots of Talent)


Rachel Lawrence is my friend and she is a new poem writter trying to make way. Check out this new poem.

Happy Anniversary

25 Years together
and you've barely scratched the surface
but the impressions you have made
are definitely here to stay
whether it be the things you've done
or even the things you've said
what you've accomplished
or what is still to come
everyday you excite me
knowing you two are meant to be together forever
it makes me happy knowing i won't ever have to worry
about not having both of you in my life together
through every mistake you have gained something good
first, you've raised five kids
and made it look like a piece of cake
always helping us to decide which path to take...
and what decisions to make
how will i ever be able to leave you two
start my own life
it scares me to think someday i will be gone
out of the house
out of my room
how am i ever supposed to make it through
of coarse i will
because i have learned from you
i hope someday
i can be as good as you
the continuous advice
how i should make it through
you rarely miss an event
making it to most everything
and those rare occasions you haven't been there
you need not worry
because your presence is always with me
through think and thin
loses and wins
you always tell me just what i need to hear
i wouldn't take back one second spent with either of you
because even if it was a bad second
it helped and is helping me to be the person you have taught me to be
i am so lucky to have you as my parents
without you i wouldn't be half the person i am today
words really can't express much more
or how much i care for you
and appreciate how you have cared for me
so here i go...
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