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Old 05-20-03, 08:24 PM   #1
Envious Stylez
Posts: n/a
What is Ja Rule doing?


I just caught the end of "The Reign"(I don't watch Ja videos,unless somethng good is coming up) were Ja and Irv go to a court with a ton of Murda fans outside....they win their case...which...then they are greeted by a bunch of fans who act like he is Jesus.....then their is flashing pics of pac in the bmw he was shot in...and it keeps flashing back between that then ja...then Ja get's shot like can't belive he would pull something like that...shit's almost offending and disrespectful....but to the topic...what he is doing...he gets tats like pac...goes bald like pac...acts ltrys to act like a thug...Guy is trying to be the spitting image of damn..maybe it's the only way he can sell records anymore..dunno...but what happend to being unique..having your own style...your own identity..instead of jacking someone elses....Really, what is this guy doing?
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