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Old 05-21-03, 01:17 AM   #4
LaRyan Shabaz
Posts: n/a

It's 12:08 Eastern Time, but it's not Wednesday yet where I live, so I hope I'm okay. I'm not sure what the rule is. I tried to get home earlier, but some people think it's cool to go out to eat 2 minutes before the restaurant closes. Rushed, and I'm not happy with it, but I'm not no showing. I hope DLiTe is going to drop. Here we go...

It's all in the pronunciation. . .
It's veiled racism that spews its case against non-annunciation/
It's mothers and daughters sharing AND sparring blows while caring for the government housing while on probation/
It's $30/hr for plumbers snaking/
While talented emcees are pushed to the brink of starvation/
It's baby gangsters trying to see things through. . . You/
And cats chatting online fronting similarly "TRU"/
It's experiencing ecstacy on Saturday night and again Sunday morning/
Well then, it's no wonder you proclaim "the preacher bores me"/
It's that same flower gone sour, saying "So what if he's forty?"/
God, does this shit floor me. . ./
"God, my parents adore me!"/
It's tough watching the shore getting beaten and eaten away by the sea/
It's that rather unholy first communion requiring but a processing fee/
If sodomy is just variation on a theme/
Why is it so much worse than adultery?/
The shattering of vested dreams/
It seems sports teams have sky-pointing heroes/
Exceling at childrens games annoints these zeroes?/
Let's ourselves zero in on their "united way" commercial image. . ./
After the after-party rape and pillage sets ire in the village, man. . ./
They're up in smoke quicker than Nate Newton's van/
Crush your smiley Chunky soup can, please try to act like an honest man/
Rather than enacting a pious media plan lacking the legs or foundation on which to stand/
Some say it's a fall from divinity, general apathy towards the holy trinity/
The label cast by the masses for "messin" with HE/
All I know is that in this secularized circularized world, it surrounds me/


Blessed be the rapbattles topical league! Yee-ha!
All done being goddy for today.
DLiTe DLiTe DLiTe!