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Old 05-22-03, 02:55 PM   #38
Soul Theory
Dope Beats . . . period.
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Posts: 1,436
From: Miami . . . what!?!

omg god. its worse then i thought.

Evolve seriously abuses his mod privileges.

I did not say take your win anyway you can get it.

I posted one word.

It was . . . . crybaby.

Then Evolve goes and edits my post to say that bullshit.

Man I seriously don't uderstand why you're being such a fuckhead about this. He PM's me sayin no hard feelings, so I'm thinkin the beef is over and we can move on, then he goes and pulls a bitch move like this.

I just don't get you Evolve. Seriously.
The Soul Purpose LP . . . Summer '04
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