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Old 05-24-03, 11:58 PM   #1
Posts: n/a
Reflection of Fate


Jose, 51 Years of age. After his wife dieing 2 years earlier, this is the anniversary of her death. He decides to take a stroll in the woods behind his house, to do some thinking. Out of no where, something he never noticed in the time he’s lived there, there is a clearly cut out path, so he walks down it, and stumbles upon a lake. He goes down to get a drink of water, when in the reflection he sees 2 things other than his own face, and body.

--Before the Encounter--
I need to walk, catch my breath, and make my heart rest
Is this my heart’s test? 2 years ago my life collapsed
My wife’s relapse detached my mind and spirit
At night I hear it, her voice is a term of endearment
“Oh wait! What’s that !? A narrow path leading in?
I never saw this around here.” So I decided to stream it
Walking down this narrow path, listening to the birds chirping
Animals running around, watching beetles as they were lurking
“Where did this lake come from,” I thought to myself quietly
I felt something upon my face; I looked down to see what it might be

--He Sees the Reflection--
A mosquito caressed my skin and facial hairs
I pushed it off ever so gently, as it gave me fainted glare
Another bug came to me, painted my hairs with his body
I whacked this one, looked at my reflection, revealing 2 bodies

--He’s Clueless until He Looks--
I gazed closely at the figures, the rings in the water disappeared
They started to clear up, I had a feeling that she was here
I noticed a man next to her. “How can I help you, madam?
I hope I didn’t intrude on your quest.” I wanted to snap at ‘em
Coming up on an old man as such as my age?
“Jose,” a soft voice said, again it was calling my name
“Jose I’ve missed you, please come with me.”
“Rosa? Is that you?” I was scared...”Yes it’s me.”
The reflection cleared up, I couldn’t think of a rational thesis
But standing there with my late wife, a man called Jesus

--He Thinks to His Self-
Have I missed her that much that she stands right before me?
Or am I imagining my wife’s return, wishing she’d still adore me.
I loved her, she was my only love, and had no fears
I can’t believe a great marriage was forced to end at 11 years

--The Contact--
I looked back up at the reflection, and amended her stance
I went to speak “I...” then she extended her hands
“Come with us,” she said, I was still at the same stiff poise
“It’s your choice,” she said, “Be strong and follow my voice”
I extended my hand to her, than the leaves diminished
Animals went silent; maybe the songs of birds were finished
I held her hands tightly; a blinding light covered the area
Mind’s crazy now, “Honey, I’m in a state of hysteria!
What’s going on ?!” I shouted and screamed
I felt comfortable, she said “I told you never to doubt me.”


Jose died that night, in his sleep. People say he ‘went’ happy, others say he was depressed. We will never know…

daMn . . .
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