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Old 05-26-03, 03:39 PM   #500
Deceit's Avatar
Posts: 601
From: God

Motherfucker, yeah nutcase, you must be crazy
To go against anyone with a style so lazy
You have no flow, and you can't even spell
You put NY to shame might aswell go to hell
Where you belong you and your fake ass rhymes
You can't afford a bed sheet, jerk off to pass time
Or you go home to your box, take the penny out your pocket
Got to a liqour store and attempt to rob it
With nothi'n but a glock loaded with the penny you had
You jammed it in the clip but you shoot so bad
That you hit the liqour you were stealin', bust all over the floor
While i'm with your mamma, always gettin' head from this whore
You styles poor, cheap, useless how else can i say it
You a bitch, a phoney faggot, so stop spittin' don't spray it
Every curse in the world couldn't sum up your lack of talent
I ripped you up, motherfucker, my words are malice