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Old 05-27-03, 06:42 PM   #1
AxL is God
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Quo's Guide On Battling - Chapter 1: Wordplay


Wordplay: No Not Scrabble

I see a lot of people missusing this for whatever reason it is. Either stretching or simply cause they don't know what on earth it is. No one can teach anyone how to use wordplay, but with this tutorial I hope to teach you how to properly use it.

Double Meaning
Ex: I'll come out on top I just put 2 and 2 together/ (2-2)
Ex: And make this bitch could like icy dead people/ (I see dead peopl)

This is the most used and usefull of all the punchline/wordplay known. It takes two homophones and connects them into a single punch. TO figure out if it's forced, try going through each syllable. If it doesn't match up. . then the wordplay is forced. .

Word Fission
Ex: Got him running as blue as his blood and walking crypt-tonight/ (kryptonite)
Ex: This guy isn't a soldier, I don't sweat casual-tees/ (casualty)

This is the act of takeing one word and tearing it apart into two seperate words of seperate meanings, but still allowing it to stand out and sound like the original word. This is often thought of as the easiest of wordplay simply because it's taking one word and making it two. Simple enough right ? Remember. . check syllables to see if it's forced

Word Fussion
Ex: Kill an unborn baby and you still couldn't de-fetus/ (defeat us)

This is the act of combining words WITHOUT the hyphens. It's exactly the same but can pack a way bigger impact on the punch you throw. This is used to spice up a verse and can often make it a very nice one at that. Use the regular applied rules and please. . for god's sake. . check syllables.

And that's Chapter 1 in my guide to a battle. All the punches used were simply flipped from my mind or badly played, please don't bite or point this out because you'll simply look dumb. Use this guide to the discretion it was intended. See you for Chapter 2 on punches.
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