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Old 05-28-03, 09:08 AM   #3
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Penelope only dreamt of succeeding
Knowledge pumped from her heart,
but faith was what she was really needing.
See there was a time where she did not want to go on.
Penelope turned into a different person from dusk til dawn.
She went from being a Queen to just a worthless Pawn.

Her parents passed away in her freshman year of college.
Leaving her nothing but another disadvantage.
She had no money to pay her funds....
But she did what she could to stay in school,
including using her body as an alluring tool.
She became a stripper who danced for fools.

Back on campus she was called a whore.
But she was only desperate for money and nothing more.
Men offered to pay her for sex, but she was not a prostitute.
But money was her bliss, she ended up taking the abuse.
The things that she did for just a lil' bit of money.
Because of all this , she lost track of her studies.

She was no longer a good student, she was mistreated by many men.
Through the vains of her body, she felt the power of heroine.
She looks back at happy times, and has flashbacks of her mother.
With on last breath...theres a light at the end of the tunnel.